Where to Research

The Shellbrook Museum has a variety of scrapbook and memorabilia that it is the process of identifying and indexing. From the Museum's materials, the following are available on the "Digital Collections" tab:
  • Seggie Funeral Card Fonds
  • Grimes Obituary Scrapbooks
  • Caroline (Mann) Waller Journal - current transcription project
  • Amy (Baer) Snyder Photograph Album
  • Elzzie McComas Photograph Album
  • Prosser Cloth Photograph Album

Saskatchewan Resources

Shellbrook Public Library
105 Railway Avenue West
A Branch of the Wapiti Regional Library system and a member of the provincial wide network, the Library has a good collection of history books compiled by local members on its shelf and access to an even greater number of materials available elsewhere in the province.

Saskatchewan Homesteader's Index
The Saskatchewan Homestead Index is a file locator database to the homestead files at the Saskatchewan Archives. It contains 360,000 references to those men and women who, from 1872 to 1930, under the terms of the Dominion Lands Act, took part in the homestead process in the area now known as Saskatchewan. Also included are those who bought or sold North West Métis or South African scrip or received soldier grants after World War One.

Saskatchewan Genealogical Society
SGS is the voice of genealogy in Saskatchewan. It is a non-profit provincial organization whose purpose is to promote and develop the study, research, and preservation of genealogy and family history. The mandate of the society is to preserve Saskatchewan records; provide assistance to Saskatchewan residents researching their heritage.

Saskatchewan GenWeb
The mandate of Sask Gen Web is to provide access to genealogical transcripts and resources relating to this province of Canada. Sask Gen Web provides an international internet forum via its regional web pages, and their look up volunteers, mailing groups, posting boards, web links and databases to make valuable local research material available or known to the public. Databases placed online by volunteers are listed at Sask Gen Web Archives and Tribute to Saskatchewan. Without publicity, source material remains obscure and unfortunately may be disregarded and undervalued. Research inquiries are drawn to regional collections if awareness increases that this information exists, and knowing where, and how, to access such documents.

Vital Statistics Genealogy Search Page
The index contains those births registered with Vital Statistics more than 100 years ago, and deaths registered more than 70 years ago. Marriages registered more than 75 years ago will eventually be added to the online index.

Saskatchewan Archives
The Saskatchewan Archives serves as the provincial agency responsible for acquiring preserving and making available records of significance to the history of the Province of Saskatchewan.  The Archives is home to a broad and diverse collection of records which include public documents created by governments ranging from the Territorial period to modern day as well as records from private citizens, businesses and institutions dating from the mid 19th century.

Canadian Resources

Automated Genealogy
Automated Genealogy hosts several projects to index Canadian censuses. Over the last several years Library and Archives Canada has digitized their microfilms of the original census forms for several of the Canadian censuses and Automated Genealogy has organized volunteers to produce indices to the people enumerated in these censuses.

The CanadaGenWeb have been created to allow the genealogy researcher to access files of primary records pertaining to Canada. These include vital records, cemetery records, church records, Census records, ship passenger lists, military records, court records, land records, wills, obituaries, directories, local histories and many others.

Canadian Military Heritage Project
This site is dedicated to presenting Canadian military history ~ the wars, uprisings and conflicts in which Canadians participated. Our goal is to preserve the records and memories of Canadians who served their country, and to ensure that their sacrifices are not forgotten. Through the Canadian Military Heritage Project we hope to maintain the tradition of remembrance and to foster pride in our military heritage.

Canadian Virtual War Memorial
This site contains a registry of information about the graves and memorials of more than 118,000 Canadians and Newfoundlanders who served valiantly and gave their lives for their country. Included on this site are the memorials of more than 1,700 soldiers who died in service to Canada since the Korean War, including peacekeeping and other operations. The site also contains digital images of photographs and personal memorabilia about individual Canadians. The purpose of the Canadian Virtual War Memorial is to recognize and keep alive the memory of the achievements and sacrifices made by those who served Canada in the defence of freedom and so have contributed to the development of Canada as a nation.

Library and Archives Canada
Library and Archives Canada preserves and makes accessible the documentary heritage of Canada. It also serves as the continuing memory of the Government of Canada and its institutions. This heritage includes publications, archival records, sound and audio-visual materials, photographs, artworks, and electronic documents.

Our Roots
Our Roots is a library, archive, museum and school all in one. Check the collection to find Canadian local histories in French and English. Digital copies of local histories specific to Shellbrook and area are Buckland's heritage: compiled by Buckland History Book Committee (1980). Our Harvest of Memories: Foxdale, Sturgeon Valley, Silver Cliff, Three Creeks, Rayside, Rich Valley (1983), Pages of the Past: History of Shell Lake-Mount Nebo Districts (1986), and A Lasting Legacy: Leask and District (1990).

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